
Price range




  • 0.08 €

    Auspicious Fan of Piercing Silence

  • 0.03 €

    Auspicious Pauldron of the Silent Guardian

  • 0.02 €

    Auspicious Bracers of the Silent Guardian

  • 0.02 €

    Auspicious Shield of the Silent Guardian

  • 0.02 €

    Auspicious Blade of the Silent Guardian

  • 0.38 €

    Heroic Shield of the Silent Champion

  • 0.82 €

    Inscribed Shield of the Silent Champion

  • 0.82 €

    Inscribed Shoulders of the Silent Champion

  • 0.03 €

    Inscribed Whirling Mind Slicer

  • 0.12 €

    Frozen Pauldron of the Silent Guardian

  • 0.12 €

    Frozen Bracers of the Silent Guardian

  • 0.15 €

    Frozen Shift of the Silent Guardian

  • 0.24 €

    Frozen Shield of the Silent Guardian

  • 0.01 €

    Frozen Blade of the Silent Guardian

  • 0.64 €

    Inscribed Robe of the Silent Champion

  • 0.35 €

    Heroic Shoulders of the Silent Champion

  • 0.11 €

    Heroic Arms of the Silent Champion

  • 0.71 €

    Heroic Helmet of the Silent Champion

  • 0.29 €

    Heroic Robe of the Silent Champion

  • 0.07 €

    Auspicious Fan of Piercing Silence

  • 0.52 €

    Inscribed Helmet of the Tribunal

  • 0.01 €

    Inscribed Buckler of Aeol Drias

  • 0.01 €

    Glaive of Aeol Drias

  • 0.01 €

    Buckler of Aeol Drias

  • 0.04 €

    Heirlooms of Aeol Drias