
Price range




  • 0.15 €

    Cursed Jin - Blade of Prosperity

  • 0.76 €

    Heroic Ember Pauldrons of Prosperity

  • 0.44 €

    Greater Purifier

  • 1.18 €

    Inscribed Greater Purifier

  • 0.48 €

    Inscribed Lesser Purifier

  • 0.02 €

    Mentor of the High Plains Right Tiger Hook

  • 0.03 €

    Mentor of the High Plains Left Tiger Hook

  • 0.01 €

    Mentor of the High Plains Guard

  • 0.01 €

    Mentor of the High Plains Decorated Pauldrons

  • 0.02 €

    Mentor of the High Plains Ceremonial Banner

  • 0.16 €

    Mentor of the High Plains

  • 0.30 €

    Inscribed Mentor of the High Plains Decorated Pauldrons

  • 0.12 €

    Genuine Mentor of the High Plains Right Tiger Hook

  • 0.11 €

    Genuine Mentor of the High Plains Great Cuirass

  • 0.35 €

    Genuine Mentor of the High Plains Guard

  • 0.82 €

    Inscribed Mentor of the High Plains Ceremonial Banner

  • 0.82 €

    Inscribed Mentor of the High Plains Left Tiger Hook

  • 0.09 €

    Inscribed Mentor of the High Plains Great Cuirass

  • 0.05 €

    Inscribed Mentor of the High Plains Guard

  • 2.27 €

    Inscribed Mentor of the High Plains Right Tiger Hook

  • 58.86 €

    Genuine Promo Mentor of the High Plains

  • 1.17 €

    Blaze Armor

  • 0.01 €

    Crimson Guard of Prosperity

  • 1.13 €

    Genuine Mentor of the High Plains Left Tiger Hook

  • 0.27 €

    Genuine Mentor of the High Plains Ceremonial Banner